Our Team

Dr. Pravin Kasinathan



I have been a doctor at Clifden surgery since arriving on Jersey in 2018. However, this is not my first time here – I completed my first medical jobs at Jersey General Hospital, forming strong links with the hospital team.

Prior to Jersey, I completed my GP training in Bath. I worked as a GP in Kent and London, taking over a practice from my father. I’ve always loved medicine and feel so grateful that patients are kind enough to share their lives with me. In return, I endeavour to work my hardest to help solve their current medical problems and to prevent problems in the future.

I especially enjoy diabetic care, mental health (particularly adolescents) and sexual health, but pride myself on being a true generalist. I believe in open access to medicine for all, especially those less privileged or with barriers to accessing medicine. I completed my Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in 2011 and love using the skills I’ve learnt to help patients with their contraceptive choices.

In 2014, completed my postgraduate certificate in Medical Education with Kings College Hospital and have loved training new GPs, junior doctors and medical students since then. I’ve also helped train nurses, paramedics, pharmacists and health care assistants in general practice. We hope to train new GPs at Clifden in the future – watch this space!

I’ve been a medical appraiser since 2015, and am currently the appraisal lead for Jersey. I feel privileged to meet with GPs both on and off the island. Appraisals help ensure doctors are up to date with current issues and continue regular learning. A big part of the job is ensuring the GPs mental wellbeing is being catered for – this is especially important currently as GPs are under unprecedented pressure. We assist with complaints, looking for recurrent themes and discussing how GPs can learn from these important events. Appraisals also form part of the governance of GPs, ensuring that patients are safe and being cared for well.

I’ve enjoyed a strong career in medical management. In England I was a federation director (one of six) of over 100 practices, covering 250,000 patients. I was involved in designing services in the community to help reduce pressures on local hospitals and ensuring that patients could be seen quickly by appropriately trained professionals.

I am a strong believer in rights for doctors and was a regional representative for the Local Medical Committee (the union for GPs). We assisted by reviewing contracts of GPs with the government and hospitals, ensuring that guidelines were safe and reasonable to implement in general practice.

Whilst I’ve loved doing roles around general practice, my favourite part of medicine always has been seeing patients. Coming to Jersey has allowed me to focus more on my patients, giving me more time in the surgery.

Outside of work, I love spending time with my wife, Elspeth, and our three children. We both love food and have really enjoyed testing out the island’s restaurants. I enjoy running and hope to be involved in fundraising runs for charity in the future. Motorsport have always interested me, especially the formula 1 – I’d love to watch a few more races live but this has been more challenging since the children arrived!

The Clifden Team